Jalan Cerita Candy-Candy
The story begins a winter day, during a snow storm, in an orphanage called Pony's Home. The owner, Miss Pony, and Sister Lane find two babies: Candy and Annie.
These two girls become inseparable and grow up together in the orphanage. Candy is a mischievous and kind girl, on the contrary Annie is shy and very sweet. Both of them make the promise to never get separated, but one day Candy receives the notice that Britter family want to adopt her, however she denies and they adopt Annie in her place.
Candy stays in Pony's Home, in spite of all the two friends keep in touch sending letters to each other. But one day Annie sends a letter where she tells Candy that she can't keep talking to her because her mother had forbidden it. That afternoon Candy went to the hill, which was her favourite place, and break into tears. Then a boy arrives who cheer her up, he was dressed with a scotch custom, and suddenly he disappears, he left forgotten a brooch with an letter inscribed in it: an "A".
Candy falls in love with that boy, and form that moment every time she reminds of him, she calls him "My Prince of the Hill".
A few time after Candy begins to work as lady companion in a rich family, the Leegans who were very cruel to Candy, over all the chidren Eliza and Neil. One day after crying because of them she meets a boy in a beautiful stone gate, who cheer her up, Candy finds out that boy is very similar to her Prince, his name is Anthony Brower, later she meets his cousins Archie and Stear Andrew, and she becomes friends of them. One day while after a fight with Neil in some way she falls in a river and a boy with a bear saves her. His name is Albert. Since this fact Albert will always be there for Candy.
Until one day, the Leegan order Candy to go to Mexico. The three friends, Archie Stear and Anthony, do everything is in their hands in order to adopt Candy and make her come back. Finally, she is adopted by the Andrews and she lives with them happily, in spite of their strict aunt Elroy. Anthony and Candy fall in love with each other. But one day during a fox hunting, Anthony's horse gets mad and make him fall, he dies. From this moment Candy becomes very sad and she won't recover until a time later.
After that Candy goes to study to England with her cousins Stear and Archie, and Eliza and Neil. Candy wants to study and become in a lady. In the boat to England she meets a boy, who is going to study in the same school, his name is Terry. First she doesn't like him, he's very prepotent. However, she will learn he's very sweet and insecure.
In the school Candy becomes a good friend of Patty, a shy girl with glasses, and she discovers Annie is studying there too. One day she finds out Albert's working in a zoo in London too. But Neil and Eliza, make her life to be impossible. Archie tellas Candy he loves her, and Annie hear it, she loved him secretely and she break into tears. When Archie realized Annie loved him so much he decides to go out with her.
One day, the nuns discover Patty's turtle, then they punish her, but Candy get involved and the only thig she gets is not to go to May's Festival. However, Candy doesn't render and takes Patty' turtle to the zoo where Albert works, and thanks to a present, given to her by Sir Williams, Candy escape to go to the party.
Patty and Stear falls in love with each other, and Candy and Terry deny it though, so they do. Finally on the summer holidays, Candy helps Terry to reconcile with his mother, in return, Terry helps Candy to surpass her fear to ride a horse. Then, when they were dancing Terry stops suddenly and gives Candy her first kiss, although it seems Candy didn't like it, later everything will return to normality.
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When they arrive again at the school, Elisa, who was jealous of Candy, sets a trap to them and the nuns discover them when they went to see each other at the stable. Afterwards they throw to Terry and returns to America, to begin his career as an actor. When he arrives, he first visit is to Pony's Home, the site Candy had spoken to him so much. 
After this fact Candy decides to return to America, because it is worth no longer to follow in the school if Terry is not. She escapes from school and gets on a boat as a stowaway. When she returns to the Home of Pony, she realize Terry was there before, but she didn't reach him.
Candy decides to become nurse in order to take care of the children in Pony's Home, shortly after she is transferred to the hospital of Chicago, she is 16 and she meet again with her friends Archie, Stear, Annie and Patty. Later first World War explodes.
Candy and Terry meets each other after a play he was doing, but shortly after he parts and they decide to write letters with the hope to meet again. Later Candy graduates as nurse and takes care of Albert, who has had an accident and has lost his memory. Later Terry invites to Candy to a play. Where, after a terrible accident, Terry's partner becomes quadriplegic and she forces him to marry her, Candy resigns to him and, after a dramatic scene where Terry asks Candy not to go, she returns to Chicago.
Ini bagian yang paling menyedihkan, Terry memeluk Candy dari belakang, dan menangis meminta Candy janagn meningglkan nya, tapi Candy sudah berjanji dengan Susan akan melepaskan Terry :((
There Albert is waiting for her, but Candy finds out that Stear has joined to the war and, after as much suffering, Candy goes away to the clinic of a small village, where after many dangers she manages to survive. Again she returns to Chicago where she finds out that Neil Leegan has fallen in love with her and it makes her happen through new shortages. Meanwhile Terry has left theater and he is wandering through the streets. In a bar he meets Albert, who makes him learn how coward he had been. Later he sees Candy, and this fact make him to recover forces to return to the theater.
Albert disappears suddenly, and Candy finds out that Stear has died. During the funeral she is taken to Sir William, who turn out to be Albert that had become the head of the family secretly due to his youth. Candy also discovers that Albert is also the one that was once the Prince of the Hill.
Diambil dari Web: http://www.candycandy.fdns.net/english/histor.htm
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